Welcome to Marketing to Gamers!

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Often, brands don’t think marketing to gamers is worth it because they aren’t part of their demographic, or it doesn’t make sense for the brand. Well, if someone who watches Netflix fits in your demographic, then gamers do too, as there are over 13x more gamers than Netflix subscribers globally (204 million vs 2.7 billion). Huge opportunities are waiting for brands willing to take a step into the gaming space, and Marketing to Gamers is here to get you started!

Marketing to Gamers will help you get an idea of who gamers are, why you should market to them, how you can achieve this, and what other brands have done in the space. So whether you are new to gaming or have been playing since the Atari 2600, there will be some insights that can get you on your way. Be sure to check out:

  • Gamer stats to get a sense of who gamers are and where they live on a country-by-country basis

  • Platform insights - If you’re looking to understand Twitch, get ideas on how to activate on Twitter or learn more about opportunities in esports, this is the place to go

  • Case Studies - This ever-evolving list features case studies of how major brands have activated in the gaming space. All case studies are public and/or have been posted with permission

  • Blog - Check back here for new content, including interviews with marketers, thought pieces, and more

  • Resources - a growing list of useful gaming-related resources for marketers to access

We hope you find the information on this site helpful. The goal of Marketing to Gamers is to help marketers realize that gaming has evolved beyond the “mother’s basement” stereotype and is now a worthwhile space to play.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to use the suggestion box below or email us via the contact page.

Thanks, and happy gaming!

- Trevor (TJ) Beckham


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